Jackie Goodwin

Thursday, 5 September 2024 | News, In Focus

Jackie played for the Bees, 1949 to 1954, playing in the same side as Jimmy Hill & Ron Greenwood. There's more about his story from his collection for you, coming soon so here is a short scrapbook  
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We hope to be taking into the archive, a most important family donation of memorabilia of Jackie Goodwin’s. This is on the wishes of Jackie’s widow.

Jackie played for the Bees, 1949 to 1954, playing in the same side as Jimmy Hill & Ron Greenwood.

We have some work to do to identify label, catalogue, and pack safely everything so we will share more of this treasure soon

Here are a few images of Jackie from the 1950’s. Maybe you would like to be an archive helper from time to time …… Email BU!



In this photo most of the players can be identified. Jackie, prominent top middle. Far left, Ron Greenwood, below Ron, Alf Jeffries.

Below Jackie, L to R, John Patton, Bill Sperrin, Ken Home and Kevin ‘o Flanghan

To Jackie’s right, Ken Coote, Bill Dare (read our article) Roddy Munro (top R) Malcolm MacDonald and Frank Latimer.


With thanks to Paul Briers and many others on GPG from 2002











Pre season training at Griffin Park with medicine balls!

Wally Bragg, Billy Sperrin, Jackie Goodwin, Ken Horne.

















More detail soon!

Don Tanswell
BU Secretary
Archive Project Lead
