Bees United collection tins update

Thursday, 6 January 2005 | In Focus

You can hand in your full tins (and collect new ones, of course) at the Club Shop, or the Bees United Information Point (outside the Griffin Public House) on matchdays 1.00 to 2.30pm.  
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From the 155 COLLECTION TINS listed below we have raised £2157:83

You can hand in your full tins (and collect new ones, of course) at the Club Shop, or the Bees United Information Point (outside the Griffin Public House) on matchdays 1.00 to 2.30pm.

This is by no means an exhaustive list; if your Tin is not listed here, please do not fret, we will be updating this list regularly.

Dean Adams  £5.35
John Anderson (1)  £13.81
John Anderson (2)  £15.18
John Anderson (3)  £6.05
John Anderson (4)  £5.21
John Anderson (5)  £14.18
Molly Atkinson  £5.74
Peter Bailey  £40.55
John Bateup (1) £10.55
John Bateup (2) £12.72
Mark Beard   £28.96
Robert Beeney   £10.60
Lawrence Bending   £8.94
R G Bignall  £4.15
Mr & Mrs Bishop  £22.98
Joshua Brown  £6,66
Steve Brown  £12.21
Brian Burgess  £5.07
Nathan Burge  £15.09
Huw Bryant  £15.66
Carran  £7.55
Joe Carter  £9.18
Top Cat  £3.98
Vincent Clarke (Jazz Club)  £14.20
Bill Cooper  £5.52
Andrew Cooper & Steph Marmagne  £15.66
Ron Cooper (1)  £34.44
Ron Cooper (2)  £12.68
S Cooper  £8.90
Bardley & Peter Cox (age 11)  £20.00
Tony Cross  £5.09
Ivy Cully  £64.37
Sammy Draper (1)  £1.34
Sammy Draper (2)  £3.33
Dan  £14.96
Judith Dudley (1) £7.07
Judith Dudley (2) £9.18
Andy Eldred (1) £57.53
Andy Eldred (2) £20.92
Douwe Egberts (jar)  £2.64
Dave Enstone  £6.08
Dave Enstone/Fiona/Angus  £13.06
Craig & Dean Eyles  £11.19
Matt Faulkner  £13.56
Liz Feltham (1)  £8.32
Liz Feltham (2)  £12.56
Liz Feltham (3)  £18.25
Liz Feltham (4)  £19.37
Martin Feltham (1) £9.77
Martin Feltham (2) £17.41
Paul Fenn £16.05
Ted Fitzgerald  £7.51
Richard Ford  £10.20  
Jim Furber  £6.14
John Gillespie  £9.08
Darrell Goddard  £9.54
Darrell Goddard  £19.63
D F Goodwin  £8.32
Jamie Greenhill  £5.25
M Greenhill  £13.97
Robert Griffith  £7.41
Graham Hall  £40.75
Gordon Hambridge  £13.34
Simon Harrison  £11.36
Pete Hayward  £26.76
Alex Hill  £25.85
Hill Family  £5.11
Peter Hollins (1)  £8.23
Peter Hollins (2)  £13.35
Matt Holly  £73.76
Matt & Don Husted  £15.99
Paul & Daniel Ibbott (brandy bottle)  £63.11
Jazz Tin (1)  £23.04
Jazz Tin (2)  £5.53
Jazz Tin (3 Alan King)  £13.34
Jazz Tin (1)  £23.04
Julia Johnson  £4.04
Wayne Johnson  £4.24
Natasha Judge  £30.41
Liam Kennedy (age 10) £17.69
Mary Kirton (1) £8.64
Mary Kirton (2) £12.27
Kenny Kobayushi  £3.80
Luke & Jamie  £6.19
Michael Leversha  £7.88
Tom Lloyd  £11.93
Jan Newing (Jazz Club)  £5.36
Dave Nicholas  £5.84
Mary Otway-Stitch  £18.35
Dean Parkinson £13.60
Dan Phillips £41:88
Martin Poole (1) £9.22
Martin Poole (2) £5.23
Phil Price £23.27
Charlie, Harry, Teddy Pyle (12,10,7) £10.29
Charlie, Harry, Teddy Pyle (12,10,7) £6.47
Charlie, Harry, Teddy Pyle (12,10,7) £4.84
Charlie, Harry, Teddy Pyle (12,10,7) £14.95
Martin Reed  £2.86
Aimee & Lucy Rikly  £3.83
Thomas Ritche  £5.44
Ritchie Family (1) £10.86
Ritchie Family (2) £5.36
Sandy (family) (1)  £25.93
Sandy (family) (2) £7.23
Sandy (family) (3) £17.29
Ken Scammell  £46.49
John Scanlon  £27.63
R S Shapley  £6.01
Shuttlecock tube  £12.89
Mr & Mrs Smith & Hollie  £7.65
Amber Smith (1) age 7  £8.92
Amber Smith (2) age 7  £17.74
Gary Smith (1)  £9.32
Gary Smith (2)  £13.03
Hollie Smith  £5.90
Sharon Smith  £9.35
Thomas Smith  £6.03
Tom Smith  £6.32
Terry Smith (1)  £9.39
Terry Smith (2)  £6.09
Alba Siletti (1)  £16.79
Alba Siletti (2)  £20.18
Tom & William Sylvester (8 & 6)  £9.04
Robert Terry  £7.18
Mr N Thomas  £20.71
Danny & Summer Tomkins  £6.78
Andrew Wainwright  (1) £9.95
Andrew Wainwright  (2) £9.02
Jim Walsh  £60.59
Ricky Watts  £7.53
Jan Wells  £35.36
W West £32.72
Ian West  £21.70
Becky & Chris Wickham  £12.10
D & T Wood  £10.62
Ian William  £15.81
Tyler William  £4.51
Kerry Williams  £7.39
R Yerrell  £4.99
UNKNOWN  £5.51
UNKNOWN  £2.45
UNKNOWN  £13.10
UNKNOWN  £14.77
UNKNOWN  £7.22
UNKNOWN  £2.10
UNKNOWN  £12.72
UNKNOWN  £7.10
UNKNOWN  £1.93
Bucket  £19.06