Notice of AGM

Saturday, 15 October 2005 | In Focus

Notice of the Bees United AGM to be held on 19th November 2005 at Brentford FC.  
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Notice of the Bees United AGM to be held on 19th November 2005 at Brentford FC.

Notice is hereby given that the fifth Annual General Meeting of Brentford Football Community Society Limited will take place in Stripes Bar, Griffin Park, Braemar Road, Brentford on Saturday 19th November 2005 at 11.00 a.m. The agenda and a voting proxy form are included with this letter.

Election for Bees United Board Members

There will be five vacancies on the Society Board for which, if necessary, elections will be held. Four of the vacancies will be created by the need for Brian Burgess, Alan Fowler, John Huggins and Pete Smith to stand down in accordance with the Society's rules. All are eligible to stand for re-election if they so wish. The fifth vacancy has been created because John McGlashan has decided to stand down from the Board also.

Nominations for election to the Board are now requested. If you would like to nominate yourself as a candidate please write in, with a brief personal profile of not more than 500 words, to:-

Bruce Powell Secretary
Bees United, Griffin Park
Braemar Road, Brentford
Middlesex TW8 0NT

Nominations* must be received no later than Friday 21st October 2005. All members over the age of 18 are eligible for election.

News Update on the Option Agreement

Bees United has now reached agreement with Ron Noades' company, Altonwood, to enable the Trust to exercise its option to acquire the 60% controlling shareholding.

The option agreement, signed in June 2003, was due to expire on 30 September. In order to acquire the shares in Brentford FC Ltd and two associated companies for £2, it required the Trust to arrange a financial restructuring of the Club's current debts and release Altonwood and Mr Noades from their £4.5million bank guarantees.

Bees United and Altonwood signed the Exercise Notice on Friday 30 September and now have four months to complete the legal and financial arrangements, which will result in the supporters taking over ownership of the Club by 31st January.

The supporters Back the Bees fundraising campaign is well on the way to a £1million target to provide an interest free loan to the Club.

Altonwood have agreed to match this with their own £1million interest free loan to the Club for three years and to maintain a £1million bank guarantee against a reduced level of bank borrowing of £2.5million.

Barclays bank have also confirmed that they are prepared to provide the Club with a £2million fifteen year term loan and a £0.5million working capital overdraft facility.

Hounslow Council have also agreed in principle to provide Bees United with a £0.5million, interest-bearing loan.

AGM Agenda

"Any other Business" items for inclusion on the agenda should be received in writing 14 days prior to the date of the AGM. i.e. Friday 4th November 2005

The proposed agenda is as follows:-

1. Annual Report (available at the meeting)

2. Finance Report and Adoption of the Society's Accounts (available at the meeting)

3. Election of Officers of the Society

4. Election of Auditors

5. Policy resolution relating to nominations by the Bees United Board to the Brentford FC Board – Eligibility


The Bees United Board recommends that: –

A) Bees United board members nominated to serve on the Brentford Football Club board shall serve in an unremunerated, non-executive capacity.

B) A Bees United nominee to the Brentford Football Club board engaged in a remunerated executive capacity, shall relinquish any office held with Bees United

6. Any Other Business

*In the event that nominations exceed the number of vacancies i.e. there will be a postal ballot of all persons over 18 who are members of the Society on 22nd October 2005.

Proxy Voting

We are conscious that some members might be unable to attend the meeting and so if you wish you may nominate in writing the name of a proxy to vote on your behalf at the meeting. The person need not be a member of the society. I have enclosed a form for you to use. In most cases it is the Chairman of the Society that is nominated. Please note that the form needs to be returned to the address given above at least 14 days prior to the date of the AGM i.e by Friday 4th November 2005. Download Proxy Form (Word)



54.    With effect from the Society's first annual meeting, the Society Board is to have not less than 12 and not more than 15 members and will be made up as follows:

  1. 8 members of the Society Board or such higher number as shall be required so that elected members of the Board are in a majority over co-opted members will be elected by the members in accordance with such arrangements as shall be determined by the Society Board.
  2. Not less than 4 members will be co-opted by the Society Board in accordance with the Board Membership Policy. The purpose of the membership policy is to ensure that:
    1. the Society Board has the skills and experience which it needs to operate effectively;
    2. the interests of the community served by the Society are adequately represented;
    3. the level of representation of different groups on the Society Board strikes an appropriate balance having regard to their legitimate interests in the Society's affairs.

Membership Cards.

Just to let you know that new membership cards are being sent out to all current members of the Trust in the next two weeks. Thank you all for your patience in this matter.

Membership Survey

As part of the Governance review undertaken earlier this year we are enclosing a survey about the current performance of the Trust. We are keen to hear your views so please take time out to complete the survey and return to us as indicated on the form. The results will be presented at the AGM. Download Survey Form (Word)

Yours faithfully,

Bruce Powell
