Bees United back Fighting Chance

Friday, 1 December 2006 | In Focus

Bees United has lent their full support to the Fighting Chance player fund, launched today [Friday].  
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Bees United has lent their full support to the Fighting Chance player fund, launched today [Friday].

The fund, which is not run by the Trust, has been put together by a band of supporters across the whole Brentford spectrum, and seeks to give the incoming Brentford manager a cash fund to use for the January transfer window.

Trustees of the Bees United player fund, which currently has just over seven thousand pounds raised, have kindly agreed to allocate this to the fighting chance initiative.

All bucket collections from Tuesday night’s League game with Doncaster Rovers will be put towards the new fund.

Trust chairman, Brian Burgess, said: “I’m delighted, but not surprised, in the response shown by Brentford fans to this initiative. On behalf of the Trust board, I am fully supportive of Fighting Chance and its aims. Every extra penny raised will go to ensure the new manager’s task is a little easier on arrival so I ask all Bees fans if they can dig deep to give us that fighting chance of staying in this division for next season.”

For more information, and details of how to donate, can be found at .
