Griffin Park Stadium Limited AGM

Tuesday, 27 January 2009 | In Focus

The Annual General Meeting of Griffin Park Stadium Limited will be held at Griffin Park, Braemar Road, Brentford, on Thursday, 26 February 2009 at 7.00pm.  
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The Annual General Meeting of Griffin Park Stadium Limited will be held at Griffin Park, Braemar Road, Brentford, on Thursday, 26 February 2009 at 7.00pm.


1.Apologies for absence
2.Approval of November 2007 AGM minutes
3.Ordinary Resolutions
3.1 To receive the Report of the Directors and financial statements for the year ended 31 May 2008.
3.2 To re-elect Stephen Callen, who retires by rotation, as a director of the company
3.3 To re-appoint Levy and Partners as auditors and to authorise the directors to fix their remuneration.
4. Any other business


Please download a pdf document of the latest financial statements below.

GPSL Financial Statements for year end 31 May 2008

AGM Proxy

Please download the pdf document below if you wish to appoint a proxy.

Griffin Park Stadium AGM proxy form

Electronic communications

In accordance with modern practice the company is seeking to streamline communications with shareholders. This requests that you e-mail your agreement that e-mail will be the default communications with you from the company. Please download and return the form below to add yourself to this list. This file (pdf format) will open in a new browser window.

Griffin Park Stadium Limited electronic comms opt-in  
