Questions to Bees United

Sunday, 5 September 2004 | In Focus

From time to time, Bees United receive questions from supporters on a variety of issues. We would like to get into the habit of publishing these responses when we can.  
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From time to time, Bees United receive questions from supporters on a variety of issues. We would like to get into the habit of publishing these responses when we can.

This week we have receive a couple of questions from Barry Pain and we are publishing these with Barry's permission. If you have a question that you would like to see answered please email us.

There is also the FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS section of this website, which deals with a number of the fundamental issues surrounding the Trust and the future of Brentford FC.

Are there going to be BU board elections this year? If so when are they be to be held? Who (if anyone is standing down for the current board and what will the make-up of the board look like? (how many elected by members, how many co-opted, How many Loan note reps etc?)


Yes, there are to be elections to the BU Board this year, there will be a minimum of two places open for election directly to the Board as this year both myself Bruce Powell and Stephen Callen are required to stand down from the Board as part of the rules of the Society. This is a continuation of the rules whereby in years 3 and 4 half of the original board members originally voted upon at the initial AGM and still on the Board have to be subject re-election in each of these years. There might be further places available should any other Board members decide to stand down but this question has yet to be asked , but will asked at the next Board meeting in September. A further elected place will be available but this is restricted to Loan Note Holders as one Loan Note representative has to stand down this year.

The make up of the Board will be as before nine voted places, four co-opted, of these three are the Loan Note reps voted in by the Loan Note Holders, one each year, and a further co-opted place at present held by Pete Johnston as a supporters representative. Under the constitution there is potential for a further two co-opted members bringing the total board membership to its
maximum of 15 places.

I hope to issue the invitation for nominations to the membership in early October along with the Notice of the AGM, with the election results being announced at the AGM to be held on 20th November in Stripes the time of the meeting to be 10.30 or 11 am.

Is there any truth in the rumour that three BFC directors had a club-subsidised or funded trip to the European Championships in Portugal over the summer? If so can you you tell me who, when, the overall cost to Brentford Football Club and where these monies came from?


There isn't any truth in the rumour.

I would consider this to be a flagrant abuse of a director's position at Brentford Football Club, and would seek their resignation, and full recompense.

Genuine business expenses should be met by the company, but I am unaware of any directors lodging a claim for expenses at all in the last year or so.

I would expect Stephen Callen or myself to authorise any such claim, and we certainly haven't been asked to do so. I would not consider a trip to the last European Championships as a valid business expense, and the same applies to this year's various cup finals as well. On the other hand, there may be times when such a trip could be justified, but not with the curent financial situation.
