Loan Note Holders meeting

Thursday, 28 October 2004 | In Focus

NOTICES ARE CURRENTLY BEING SENT OUT TO BEES UNITED LOAN NOTE HOLDERS of a meeing to be held on Saturday 20 November 2004 from approximately 12.00 Noon immediately following the Bees United AGM in Stripes Bar, Brentford Football Club, Braemer Road, Brentford, Middx.  
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NOTICES ARE CURRENTLY BEING SENT OUT TO BEES UNITED LOAN NOTE HOLDERS of a meeing to be held on Saturday 20 November 2004 from approximately 12.00 Noon immediately following the Bees United AGM in Stripes Bar, Brentford Football Club, Braemer Road, Brentford, Middx.

The BeeThe Loan Note Holder members are entitled to nominate up to three members for Co-option onto the Trust Board. Loan Note Holders currently serving on the trust board are as follows:

Mr. Joseph Bourke (Appointed November 2002)
Mr. Matt Dolman on behalf of Brentford Independent Association of Supporters (Appointed February 2004)
Mr. John Anderson (Appointed February 2004)

In accordance with the Society rules on board membership, one third of the board will retire by rotation each year.

To give effect to this provision, Joseph Bourke will retire from the Bees United board this year and is eligible for re-election. The quorum at a meeting of Loan Note Holders shall be noteholders holding a majority of the voting rights. Members’ voting rights are as follows: 

  • One vote for £1000 or more Loan Notes
  • Two votes for £5000 or more
  • Three votes for £10,000 or more
  • Four votes for £50,000 or more
  • Five votes for £100,000 or more

Nominations for the vacant position may be made from the floor of the meeting and in the absence of a request for a poll, voting will be conducted by a show of hands.

In the event that the meeting is not quorate, a postal ballot shall be conducted as soon as practical thereafter.
