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Trevor Inns

Bees United announces with regret that Trevor Inns has declared his intention to resign as a member of the Trust board with effect from the AGM scheduled for this November.
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Matchday Boardroom Draw For Members

For the forthcoming season Bees United have agreed with the Brentford FC board that we will take 2 extra spaces in the boardroom for each home game to enable the Trust to run a draw among the membership and entertain the winning member and their guest.
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BU Nominations to the BFC Board

As part of an ongoing drive to make Bees United both more professional and more efficient, the BU Board have changed the procedures relating to Supporter Elected Directors on the BFC Board.
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Sponsor A Striker Winner

The draw for a free season ticket for next season from those supporters who sponsored this season’s highest goal-scorer was won by Mrs Eileen Cadogan from Aylesbury. 
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