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Election to Fill Vacancies on the Trust Board

Elections for places on the board are normally held immediately before the AGM. This year however there are no board members due to retire by rotation at the AGM so the Bees United board has decided to hold an early election as soon as possible to fill the vacancies created...
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Good Luck Lads

Sunday's crucial game at Griffin Park is set to be a cracker and, hopefully around 2pm we'll all be one step closer towards our objective to be playing Championship football next season.
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Sunday’s Game

Several members have written to Bees United in relation to Sunday's game. This feedback has been collated and passed onto the the club.
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Andy Scott Benefit Fund

Richard Hester, editor of Thorne in the Side fanzine is doing his bit for charity by taking part in the London Marathon on 23 April. Richard is running on behalf of the Andy Scott Benefit Fund
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