It is only just recognisable, a shadow of its former self, where once Bees fans crowded in for a half time beer or tea and players signed autographs after games. The iconic Brentford FC sign is long gone, the Braemar Road stand at Griffin Park, home of countless memories for fans, is now on its last legs. So too are a few remnants of the New Road stand.The demolition crews who have been active all around them preparing for the construction of 150 new homes on the site, now have them in their sights for next month.The news came in a letter to local residents.
The demolition is nearly a year behind schedule. The timeline on Griffin Park Development website run by the developers EcoWorld still says ‘Early 2022 Demolition completed and construction begins’. It also still says ‘2024 Construction Completed’.
Local resident and Bees United Board member Sharon Wright took a few more photos before the demolition gang have their day.

The away end in Brook Road

The Club Shop in Braemar Road
All that’s left of the New Road Stand looking over towards the Braemar Road stand