Brentford to Stockport: Thank You

Thursday, 24 July 2008 | In Focus

Just a quick, if belated, note to thank all of you who supported the above event, in any way, shape or form.  
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Just a quick, if belated, note to thank all of you who supported the above event, in any way, shape or form.

Donations and pledges have topped the £5000 after costs and I would ask those that have pledged to send their donations to the following address:

Natasha Judge
C/O Bees United
Griffin Park
Braemar Road

Cheques should be made payable to Bees United.

The messages of support and encouragement that were received throughout the duration of our walk really helped, picking us up when we were down, spurring us on when we were tired.  Without you all, we could never have completed the task.

A more detailed overview of the event will also be published, but for now a heartfelt ‘thank you’. 

Natasha Judge.

Bees United board member.

