Club accounts published

Thursday, 29 December 2011 | In Focus

Brentford FC has published the annual report and statement of accounts for Brentford FC Ltd and Griffin Park Stadium Ltd.  
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Brentford FC has published the annual report and statement of accounts for Brentford FC Ltd and Griffin Park Stadium Ltd and they can be seen by downloading the links below.

BFC Accounts 2011

GPSL Accounts 2011

Robert Lampert, Brentford Football Club Chief Financial Officer, said: “The Chairman, in his statement, advises that the board took the decision to run the Club between 1 June 2009 and 31 May 2014 at a level of losses commensurate with the annual cash injections by Matthew Benham.

“This decision is reflected in the results presented which show a net loss £3,886,695.

“In the broadest terms this loss was financed by the purchase of £3,500,000 non-voting Preference Shares plus the provision of a Limited Recourse Loan of £750,000 resulting in total cash injections by Matthew Benham for the financial year under review of £4,250,000.

“The surplus cash is reflected in a reduction of £316,932 in the year on year overdraft.

“The agreed overdraft fluctuating facility remains at £500,000.

“The current board policy is to ensure that of the available financing the playing budget is maintained as a minimum at the existing level and with further substantial monies being utilised to finance the enhancement of the Centre of Excellence and the direction of our youth policy into eventual Academy status.

“The substantial increase in the operating loss reflects these policies together with a strengthening of the off field activities and the staffing and systems at Griffin Park.

“Finally the board has asked me to put on record our thanks to all employees of the club who do such a tremendous job in circumstances and working conditions that are not always the best.”

