Five candidates stand for election

Tuesday, 13 December 2011 | In Focus

Five candidates have put themselves forward for the four vacant places on the Bees United board. This means that an election will be required.  
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Five candidates have put themselves forward for the four vacant places on the Bees United board. This means that an election will be required.

The five candidates are:

  • Nick Bruzon
  • Mark Chapman
  • Mark Sallis
  • Andre Sawyer
  • Peter Skeggs

The five candidates’ election statements can be found here.

Three of the four board places arise through retirement by rotation: Mark Chapman and Andre Sawyer are standing for re-election; Mike Rice has decided to stand down from the Bees United board.

The Society’s Board Election Policy mandates that the Electoral Reform Service (ERS) conduct the election using the Single Transferable Vote (STV) voting mechanism.

Members will be sent voting forms with voting instructions. Voting forms need to be received by the ERS by noon on Friday 20th January 2012.

Hustings – electronic or otherwise – may be held at the discretion of the election subcommittee. Further details will be publicised on this website.
