Lionel Road – Online Petition

Friday, 31 January 2014 | In Focus

Dear Member,

Further to our mailshot earlier this week, with the Mayor of London Boris Johnson imminently due to make his decision, we need one final push to show him our support for the new Community Stadium at Lionel Road.

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For those of you who’ve already sent in your emails or letters of support – thank you. For those of you who haven’t yet – there’s still time, albeit very little, so please find time this week to show the Mayor how important a new stadium at Lionel Road is to you.

An online petition has also been set up and can be found here. Even if you’ve already emailed or written to Boris Johnson, please take five minutes to sign the petition and tell him that you want to see a new Community Stadium at Lionel Road.

Online Petition now set up – sign the petition and show Mayor of London Boris Johnson that you want to see a new Community Stadium at Lionel Road

As a reminder, emails should be sent to the following:-

If you’d prefer to write a letter, you can write individually to the Mayor Boris Johnson, Sir Edward Lister and David Blankson-Hemans (including the reference no. P/2013/1811) at the addresses below:

  • David Blankson-Hemans, Senior Strategic Planner, Greater London Authority, City Hall, The Queen’s Walk, More London, London SE1 2AA.
  • Mayor Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, Greater London Authority, City Hall, The Queen’s Walk, More London, London SE1 2AA.
  • Sir Edward Lister, Chief of Staff and Deputy Mayor, Policy and Planning, Greater London Authority, City Hall, The Queen’s Walk, More London, London SE1 2AA.

In all correspondence please remember to include your name and full postal address.
