Outline Planning permission for redevelopment of Griffin Park

Wednesday, 23 March 2005 | In Focus

Bees United and Brentford FC were aware that the agenda for the Hounslow Council Sustainable Development Committee meeting on 22 March included an item relating to the proposed Section 106 planning agreement for Griffin Park.  
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Bees United and Brentford FC were aware that the agenda for the Hounslow Council Sustainable Development Committee meeting on 22 March included an item relating to the proposed Section 106 planning agreement for Griffin Park.

We understand that this was a procedural requirement, because the original Committee decision (on 31 October 2002) to grant outline planning permission subject to a Section 106 Agreement imposing certain obligations on the land was made more than nine months ago. The Committee were therefore being asked to confirm their decision in order that the Council officers have the necessary authority to sign the required agreement.

The Club intend to make a detailed statement when the arrangements for the agreement have been finalised with the Council, which we anticipate will be no later than the end of this present month.
