Standing Order Payers and Season Ticket Renewal

Sunday, 9 April 2006 | In Focus

As a current member of BEES UNITED who makes a regular standing order donation I am taking this opportunity of writing to thank you for your generous support  
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Standing Order Payers and Season Ticket Renewal

As a current member of BEES UNITED who makes a regular standing order donation I am taking this opportunity of writing to thank you for your generous support and to assure you that this regular income is playing a vital part in assuring the future of the football club through allowing the Trust to secure a bank loan of £250,000 taken out as part of the take over re-financing of the club. Through this regular monthly income the Trust intends to pay back the loan over a period of 5 years. When completed this will mean that a small part of the financial burden is removed from the club and allow the Trust to look at other forms of financial support for the club.

Another reason for writing to you is to advise you as a fully paid up member of the Trust of a change in the Season Ticket pricing structure being tried out for the forthcoming season. It is the intention to include the annual membership fee of the Trust in with the prices quoted on the Season Ticket application and renewal form as an "opt out" option. This means that the membership fee is included as an add on to the final cost of a Season Ticket unless you indicate that you do not wish this to happen. The reason for trying out this is as an initiative to increase membership and awareness of the Trust. It is an option that has worked well at other football clubs and has seen a considerable increase in their trust's memberships and hence their financial support to the club and an increase in the involvement of fans in the football club.

We are aware that some of you might not notice this option and thus pay your membership fee when you need not do so, and we wish to avoid taking your money under false pretences. So we are writing to advise all standing order payers of the inclusion of this option so that you are aware and can take the appropriate action.

Thank you for your continued support.

Yours sincerely

Bruce Powell
Bees United Secretary
