Takeover: Q & A part two

Sunday, 5 February 2006 | In Focus

Following the historic announcement on Friday 20th January, there are bound to be some questions that members and supporters have regarding the acquisition.  
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Following the historic announcement on Friday 20th January, there are bound to be some questions that members and supporters have regarding the acquisition. Below is the second part of a series of articles that look to clarify these questions for you.

9. Is Brentford FC a 'Fans Run Club'

The club is not 'run' by the fans but the fans have a crucial part to play in setting the direction in which the club moves. The club is owned by supporters and managed by a professional management team.

Bees United acquired the majority shareholding in Brentford Football Club.

As with any shareholder of any company, day to day decisions on managing the club – who is employed both on and off the pitch and the communication on what is happening at the club, are the responsibility of the Football Club Management and Directors.

Bees United, as the majority shareholder, has input into the longer term strategic planning of the club.

It is also able to influence the Bees United nominated directors on the club board, if it is felt the club officials are not acting in the best interest of the football club, both in terms of the financial targets set and decision making.

Every member of Bees United is a shareholder of the Trust and is able to take part in the democratic processes used to elect representatives and call special meetings to hold the Trust's representatives to account.

10. Will Bees United become more 'transparent'?

The Bees United Board are committed to allowing its members to have access to as much of the details to do with the Trust.

Over the next few days and weeks, summaries of the Loan agreements will be available on the BU Website and the board is considering publishing the full 'non-confidential' minutes of Bees United board meetings rather than a summary.

There will always be a certain amount of confidentiality as part of commercial negotiations, agreements with 3rd parties and employees and we must honour these.

It must be made clear that Bees United, as majority shareholder in Brentford FC, cannot publish information to do with the football club's finances or management without first getting authorisation from the club's Board.

11. Do Bees United have the majority vote on the BFC Board?


There are 9 Directors on the BFC Board, 4 are nominated by Bees United, whilst the other 5 are Investor Directors.

Each Board Member carries one vote irrespective of their shareholding or investment in the club.

12. Is the takeover an end to the financial worries to the club?

Unfortunately no.

The acquisition of the majority shareholding has not improved the level of debt at the club, we are still more than £7.5m in debt.

What the takeover means is that the interest payments on the debt, whether loans or overdraft have reduced enabling more stability in the financial planning of the club.

Just as importantly, it has allowed the planning and management of this debt to be in the supporters' hands, through Bees United.

That is why it is more important than ever before for as many supporters to join Bees United and start monthly standing orders to enable Bees United to start reducing the overall debt in the years to come.

David Hawes
Board Member, Bees United
