In January we decided to mount a plaque to commemorate the foundation of the Club back in 1889, it seemed long overdue.
We had to wait till May, on very the day of the double over Manchester CIty, for a breakthrough and a critical contact who could move us forward. That was what started to unlock the permission we needed to mount the Plaque on the block of apartments (near to One Over the Ait) owned by St George, part of the huge Berkeley Group.
St George, a former BFC sponsor, took a few months to persuade, that this key location in BFC history, should be the only place for fans to remember our foundation and our true heritage from that very uncertain beginning back in 1889.
We then had to follow the rules that say a plaque is legally an “Advert” and permission had to be granted by the local council. More hassle to plough through! We b####y well got there and in November 2023, ten months later, the Bees United Plaque was unveiled by the Mayor of Hounslow, near to the site of the Oxford and Cambridge hotel. When you get to see the plaque, scan the QR code and read the article on our website that explains the beginning of our Club! Thanks you Paul Briers! By the way, it could have been the egg shaped ball!
Here’s a short video which records that day!
Before the unveiling, we hosted a special BFC1889 Commemoration Event with the Club. We told different stories about the actual meetings leading to the Club’s foundation and the rowing club(s) history beforehand and revealed new research about the Oxford and Cambridge hotel where it all happened. Brendan gave us a special look at the unique heritage that is the shirts worn by our players and there were a few reminders about the “Red and White Stripes” centenary approaching soon.
Huge thanks go to a lot of people at the Club, including Sam and Sam, Jo and some of our brilliant stewards plus Stu Wakeford who sadly fell to COVID that morning but who had professionally prepared Brendan Nevin and Jonathan Burchill for their stunning presentations.
Cliff Crown and Stuart Hatcher led the packed room into our agenda and as we went on to explore the heritage sounds of the Club over the years, from the different music the team walked out to (of course you all remember “The Power Game”) to the first PA announcements, we also listened to Geoff Buckingham telling the story of the famous BFC Blind Commentary team, including Mel Collins in great form. The Blind Commentary team broadcast for over 30 years with some very famous voices but of course when we talk about commentary who else but Mr Brentford to come on stage to share his own views and thoughts as the longest serving match commentary professional – thank you Peter Gilham! Our exhibition was extensive – our plaque had to be guarded so a it is huge thank to Dave’s brilliant team of stewards on the day!
Meanwhile, the full timeline of Brentford through the years was showing all morning on the pitchside LED’s which everyone had a look at but the biggest applause from a huge audience went to Legend Marcus Gayle and of course, the co-leader of Planet Penguin, Allan Cockram.
Here’s another video about our event and our exhibition and some of the photos from that day are below.
We are going to do this again next year – keep you eyes peeled.
Stuart Hatcher
Have a great time over the coming period
Here’s to some amazing matches and maybe even a good January.

Cliff started our event

Stuart welcomed everyone

Jon Varney

Nity with some great food and a super team


And more

Famous people!

Great presenters – Jonathan Burchill

Great presenters – Brendan Nevin

and those shirts

and more of those shirts

Special retro edition coming soon

It’s where it all began

Geoff and Mel

Mr Brentford taking questions

And the unveiling

The QR code takes you to the full story

BFC1889 now commemorated

BFC Heritage c/o Bees United
Here’s to some more three pointers
Take care – enjoy